It’s Time We Woke Up

P177 - It’s Time We Woke Up”

The Message
Amythyst Kiah - New album coming out October 25 - Still + Bright.
Jake Blount and Mali Obomsawin - Album coming out September 27 - symbiont
Molly Nilsson
Paul Robeson - HUAC Hearing
Carsie Blanton
Noam Chomsky - Capital Rules
Adeem The Artist - White Mule, Black Man
Sister Wife Sex Strike - From the River to the Sea

The Music
Fuck These Fuckin Fascists | The Muslims : Fuck These Fuckin Fascists
Play God And Destroy The World | Amythyst Kiah : Still + Bright
My Wayʼs Cloudy | Jake Blount, Mali Obomsawin : symbiont
White Mule, Black Man | Adeem the Artist : Anniversary
From the River to the Sea | Sister Wife Sex Strike :
The Men Behind the Guns | Phil Ochs : I Ain’t Marching Anymore
Class Warfare | Matthew Gonsiorek : Twenty, Twenty One
Goin’ Down To Sing In Texas | Iris DeMent : Workin’ On A World
Non Workers of the World (feat. William Ryan Fritch) | Sole : A Ruthless Criticism of Everything Existing